27Aug AA_IB_117_Shame_War Tonight we will get into how shame is used to control the nation. I’ll discuss several ways the global satanic death cult uses shame to manipulate and control the dumbed down masses. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 101 views You may also like AA_IB_435_Death_of_the_NBA 17 views AA_IB_434_Merchandise 12 views AA_IB_433_Not_Just_Swamp_Gas_Anymore? 9 views AA_IB_430_Gratitude 7 views AA_IB_429_Reframing_Your_Narrative 15 views AA_IB_428_CULTure_Club 14 views AA_IB_427_Neocon_Burger_Hold_the_Peace 20 views AA_IB_426_Groundhog_Day_NC 15 views AA_IB_424_Squirrel_in_the_Coal_Mine 13 views AA_IB_423_House_of_Horrors 2 views AA_IB_422_Forget-Me-Not_Western_NC 6 views AA_IB_421_Make-Believe_Election_Time 16 views 123…20»Page 1 of 20 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_116_Reality_Is_A_Satanic_RitualAA_IB_118_Seasons_of_Death ›