

Tonight I will delve into the death of the family. We will discuss how and why the American family has been systematically destroyed over multiple generations.



Tonight we will discuss the Barbie movie symbolism and its ties into culture. We will discuss art imitating life and cultural drivers.



Tonight we will discuss Bronny James and the missing survival instinct in the American people. I’ll connect this into the attack on men, children, the family, and culture.



Tonight we will delve into the WEF’s call to abolish fashion and the communist ties to the one sex order. I’ll discuss how the feminizing of men, masculinizing of women, and sterilizing of children all plays into the global final solution.

Joe Prim

Joe_Prim Vigilant Wolf Men Masculinity

Joe Prim is a Christian, a husband, a father, the founder of Vigilant Wolf, and the host of Ever Vigilant. Our mission is to challenge and encourage men to prepare, defend, and lead at home and in their communities.

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Vigilant Wolf