Episode 46 Terri LaPoint

Terri LaPoint Real News Spark Medical Kidnapping

Terri LaPoint joins us today in The Anomic Age to discuss her investigative work into medical kidnapping. She has published articles on hundreds of cases involving family members taken by Protective Services. We will also delve into the connections to the greater picture of child trafficking, pedophilia, and the murder of those who expose it.

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Real News Spark

Terri LaPoint

Terri LaPoint Real News Spark Medical Kidnapping

Terri LaPoint was the lead investigative journalist for MedicalKidnap.com, a division of Health Impact News, for more than 4 years, where she investigated and published articles on hundreds of cases involving family members, mostly children, taken from their families by Child, or Adult, Protective Services. She continues her work as an independent investigative journalist at RealNewsSpark.com. She is a contributing author to two books, and a regular guest on Blogtalk and radio programs. She received Michelle Malkin’s Bulldog Award for her investigative work on medical kidnapping in 2017.

Guest Links

Real News Spark

Medical Kidnap