

Tonight we will delve into the Judge Doughty’s rebuke of the surveillance state that we live in and the Biden DOJ appeal of the federal ruling. I’ll also delve into the joke level 1984 police state that we already live in.



Tonight I’ll delve into the various distractions hypnotizing the general public from what is actually going on. We’ll get into the now open admission that the government is gone, America is over, and that we are living in a police state.

Episode 183 Christopher Fogarty


Christopher Fogarty discusses the escalating violence and crime in Chicago. We will also delve into his persecution by the FBI and more.

Guest Link

 Irish Holocaust

Larry Pinkney


Larry James Pinkney is an American political activist. A former member of the Black Panther Party, and the Republic of New Africa. Pinkney also served as co-chair of the San Francisco Black Caucus in the early 1970s, and later, as chairman of the Black National Independence Party. His FBI profile (obtained by FOIA) says he is “potentially dangerous due to his ability to unify black and white.”

Guest Links

Larry Pinkney

Larry Pinkney Videos

David Sumrall


David Sumrall created StopHate in 1992 as a result of the L.A. Riots to bridge the divide and bring peace and healing, through educating people of the division supported by the media, with a focus on communication and community. We have participated in peaceful protests, rallies, and community meetings to help open communication and educate people that not everyone chooses hate as a first response. In the mid-90’s we stood against groups including the KKK, and rhetoric against certain leaders in groups including the Nation of Islam. Fast-forward to now, we’ve been active in local communities, and developing relationships with other social media influencers to build a bigger team, pool resources, spread our message to a bigger audience, and organize toward what our vision of victory looks like.

Guest Link

Stop Hate