

Tonight I’ll digest the current destruction of our society. I’ll also delve into the importance of taking time to absorb the positive aspects of life to properly prepare for the dark.



Tonight I’ll delve into why the American people have become so willing to acquires to tyranny. We will discuss the semantical sabotage that has been underway for many years to reconstruct our mentality and thus our physical response to tyranny.

Episode 174 Michael Springmann


Michael Springmann joins us today to discuss the Ukraine, Russia, and China. He will help us to unpack what is on the horizon on the global stage and what that will mean for the citizens of the United States.

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Michael Springmann Books

Michael Springmann


J. Michael Springmann is an attorney, author, political commentator, and former diplomat, with postings to Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia. He previously authored, Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider’s View, recounting how the U.S. created and used Islamic Terrorism. Additionally, he penned Goodbye, Europe? Hello, Chaos? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb, an analysis of the alien wave sweeping the Continent. He currently practices law in the Washington D.C. Area. He is a frequent commentator on Arab and Russian news programs.

Guest Link

Michael Springmann Books



Tonight I’ll delve into the cultural warfare occurring in the West. We will delve into the demobilization, destabilization, demoralization, and infrastructural assault on the culture.



Tonight we will get into the wide-range of massive fires that have suddenly occurred across the world. I’ll discuss how these events are used to break the moral of society and usher in the globalist future.

Episode 172 Scott Bennett


Scott Bennett joins us today to discuss Russia, Ukraine, and the prospects of nuclear war. We will also delve into the degradation of Western culture and more.

Guest Link




Tonight we discuss the cultural shift that has slowly overtaken our society. Then, we will delve into how to counter that shift with your own counterculture.



Tonight I will get into the descent into madness that has infected the nation. I’ll tackle this from both sides of the isle and analyze the broader repercussions of this nightmare.



Tonight I will get into imminent war with Russia and the underlying war in America. We’ll talk about why America has become such a violent society and if there is any way back.