

Today I will get into how the global communists are running down the country with the constant portrayal of the flag at half-mast. I’ll get into how this is a subliminal extension of MK Ultra program on the entire nation and more.



Tonight we will get into the newest drag queen indoctrination techniques marketed for children. I will also discuss how the global communists leverage society to turn everyone into prostitutes for the state.

AA-Thank you Dr. Judith Reisman


In this episode we mourn the death of Dr. Judith Reisman. I will briefly cover several of her accomplishments and her death.



Tonight we will get into the use of knowledge as power. I will discuss the importance of becoming more knowledgeable as the country collapses and how to use that knowledge to help yourself and others.



Tonight I will cover the overwhelming lack of accountability that we are all witnessing in the fall of the Republic. I will cover the joke level 3 branches of government, Obama, Biden, Trump, COVID, and how we have let it all slip away.



Tonight I will get into the work of Harry Harlow, the transference of our reliance of safety onto a mask and government. I will also link in some basics on how this all translates over into other aspects of the PsyOp.


In this episode we will get into the slave training of the American people through conditioning. I will also compare the slave face shackle to a safety blanket and discuss three of the levels of control.



Today I will discuss culture. I will get into how cultural practices are shaped by the political, social, and cultural elements to create the norms and standards of a people.



Today we will delve into why people cannot see the evil predators pushing the COVID scam and the vaccines for what they are. I’ll also compare serial killers to the real super predator mass murderers of history.