Tonight I will touch on the Ukraine and Russia conflict, however, not in the way that you expect. I will get into how the people are manipulated and trained into tribalistic behavior.
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Tonight we will delve into a few news topics. Then, cover the psychological warfare that has caused much of the populous to value their last look at normality over their own freedom and health.
AA_IB_151_Next Scene War With Russia
Tonight I will get into the threats of war with Russia. I’ll also get into what the individual can do to improve their own situation.
Tonight we will get into Russian invading the Ukraine. I will also delver into what we can all do to get rid of the negativity surrounding you and strengthening you discernment.
Tonight we will get into changing out mindset to prepare for what is coming. I’ll delve into how we can individually counter the psychological operation and negativity around us.
This short segment shows the joke level reality of our world. It discusses the comments of Trump and Trudeau and how the general public is too blind to see the delusion of the Right vs. Left paradigm.
AA_IB_148_Mostly Peaceful Police State From Ottawa to Paris
Tonight I will cover the violence in Ottawa and Paris. We will get into the growing global police state and what this means for us all.
AA_IB_147_I’m Not Dead
Just an update after being absent for a few weeks. I’ll also delve into people finally waking up on the Trump scam.
The people of Earth are currently in a fight for our lives. We are caught in between our current reality, the one that was, and the end of humanity, as we know it, that awaits. In this episode, I will discuss the options.
This episode uncovers the subtle use of incremental mind control to convince you that you are an animal. The infusion of the cult of academia and the technocratic elite has been used in a multigenerational plan to subordinate the masses into submission.