14Nov AA_IB_211_Cue_Laugh_Track Tonight I’ll get into the joke that our society is. We’ll cover the lack of any reaction to the stolen election, downfall of the nation, and money laundering. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 39 views You may also like AA_IB_109_War? 98 views AA_IB_108_Touch_Of_Evil 72 views AA_IB_107_You_Have_The_Power 55 views AA_IB_114_Linguistic_Warfare 87 views AA_IB_106_Medical_Tyranny 81 views AA_IB_105_Signs 92 views AA_IB_104_Munchausen_Syndrome 97 views AA_IB_103_Libertad 101 views AA_IB_102_Not_a_FEMA_Camp 88 views AA_IB_101_Make_Believe 88 views AA_IB_100_The_Talk 95 views AA_IB_115_Rebellion 87 views «1…11121314»Page 13 of 14 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_210_When_People_Fear_GovernmentAA_IB_212_Die_Laughing ›