27Aug AA_IB_117_Shame_War Tonight we will get into how shame is used to control the nation. I’ll discuss several ways the global satanic death cult uses shame to manipulate and control the dumbed down masses. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 101 views You may also like AA_IB_296_Escaping_Paradise 61 views AA_IB_295_Kangaroo_Nation 63 views AA_IB_294_Unhappy_with_Unhappiness 29 views AA_IB_293_Global_PsyOp_Take_2 36 views AA_IB_287_Flying_Saucer_Attack 44 views AA_IB_285_Survival_Instinct? 38 views AA_IB_284_Picket_War 29 views AA_IB_283_Where’s_the_Peace 29 views AA_IB_282_Attention_Diverter 44 views AA_IB_281_Country_v_City_Mouse 44 views AA_IB_279_Tested 29 views AA_IB_278_Consensual_American-Suicide_Cult 49 views «1…45678…20»Page 6 of 20 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_116_Reality_Is_A_Satanic_RitualAA_IB_118_Seasons_of_Death ›