Episode 204 John Waters


John Waters will join us to discuss the protests in Dublin, illegal immigration, and the degradation of Irish culture. We will also delve into the growing unrest throughout Europe and more.

Guest Links

John Waters Substack

John Waters

Episode 183 Christopher Fogarty


Christopher Fogarty discusses the escalating violence and crime in Chicago. We will also delve into his persecution by the FBI and more.

Guest Link

 Irish Holocaust

Christopher Fogarty


Christopher ‘Chris’ Fogarty was born in Chicago and raised on a farm in Ireland. He worked with his father on contract-plowing, meadow-mowing, and on a threshing mill. He has a degree in civil engineering and has worked around the world on major engineering projects. He served with the U.S. army in France.

He has spent years investigating the truth about the Irish ‘famine’ and runs a website where he exposes the truth that the deaths of up to 5 million Irish people in the 1840s was a result of systematic policy by the British to starve the “rebellious Irish”. He was a regular columnist for twenty years in the Irish American News, runs the web site www.irishholocaust.org and is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it ‘Perfect”

Guest Links

Irish Holocaust
