

Tonight we will discuss how energy is used, shifted, and controlled in our society. I’ll delve into the obvious energy shift that is happening and what that means for the future.



Tonight I will delve into the use of spell words to control the population. We will discuss the linguistic programming used today and how it parallels Maoist China’s struggle sessions and more.



Tonight I will be discussing the screening of our reality. We will go through the history of television on into our modern streaming devices and unpack the ramifications that these subtle weapons of control have been implemented.



Today I will delve into the death of voluntary association. I’ll discuss the use of various methods of destroying the death of voluntary association and how this limits the likelihood of resisting the tyranny.



Tonight I’ll delve into why the American people have become so willing to acquires to tyranny. We will discuss the semantical sabotage that has been underway for many years to reconstruct our mentality and thus our physical response to tyranny.



Tonight I’ll get into censorship, Halloween, and nostalgia. We will delve into the reality that never was vs. the the reality that is.

Hunter Watkins


Born on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Hunter has the ability to effectively communicate his philosophy with the golf swing and its relationship with music. His expertise in putting, short game, and full swing mechanics make him a valuable asset to Marine Park Golf Club. Hunter’s passion for the game of golf, combined with his teaching and playing experience, makes him one of the most sought after Golf Professionals in the New York/New Jersey North Carolina region. Hunter recently built Summer Hill Golf Studios to bridge the gap between music and golf.

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Hunter Watkins

Summer Hill Golf