Episode 27 Hugo Feugen

Hugo Feugen Loretta Fuddy The Fuddy Hoax

This week we welcome Hugo Feugen to the Anomic Age to discuss his research into the crash of Loretta Fuddy’s plane and the implications that this event had on Barack Obama’s Presidency. Hugo has logged over 2500 hours of flight experience, and over 450 hours as a Certified Instrument Flight In structor (CFI-AI). He holds a Single Engine Land and Multi-Engine Land Commercial certificate, Class II medical, as well as a Repairman Certificate for his experimental Lancair 320. Mr. Feugen has also been a successful CEO or President of three different aviation and simulation-related companies. He combines all of his expertise, experience, and research to expose the Fuddy hoax.

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The Fuddy Hoax

Hugo Feugen

Hugo Feugen Loretta Fuddy The Fuddy Hoax

Hugo Feugen has logged over 2500 hours of flight experience, and over 450 hours as a Certificated Instrument Flight Instructor (CFI-AI). Mr. Feugen holds a Single Engine Land and Multi-Engine Land Commercial certificate, Class II medical, as well as a Repairman Certificate for his experimental Lancair 320, which he has been flying for more than twenty seven years.

He has been a successful CEO or President of three different aviation and simulation-related companies: Cybernet Systems, Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a leading government contractor, Aviation Simulations, Inc. (ASI) of Austin, Texas, and BAO, Ltd., the Champaign, Illinois-based developer of Microsoft Flight Simulator, the most popular computer entertainment software title ever, which sold many millions of copies.

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The Fuddy Hoax

The Fuddy Hoax Memes