Cheryl Todd


Cheryl Todd is the owner of, Pot Of Gold Estate Auctions, Executive Producer & Co-Host of Gun Freedom Radio and founder of the grassroots movement #PolkaDotsAreMyCamo. Cheryl has 30 years of experience in business and holds undergraduate degrees in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership, which allows her to bring a unique voice to business and the firearms industry. A wife of over 30 years, mother, and grandmother, Cheryl speaks to the value of our2nd Amendment Rights through the lens of self-protection and instilling those values in the generations to come. Hosting Gun Freedom Radio to a nationwide audience is an extension of that desire to educate, engage, and inform and make gun-related topics accessible and easy to understand by separating the facts from the hype.

Cheryl is a member of the NRA, the ASRPA, the AzCDL, SAI, The DC Project, The Well Armed Woman, and supports other organizations such as Refuse To Be A Victim, FASTERSavesLives, Eddie Eagle, and Project ChildSafe. Cheryl also volunteers her time on numerous Boards. She is service-driven and has been recognized with several Community Service Awards for the First Responders Appreciation Day, a fund-raising event founded by her and her husband, Danny, which help local First Responders in need. Cheryl writes feature articles for multiple publications and is a sought-after Speaker, Panel-Moderator, and Guest Commentator at both the local and national level. Cheryl has been an invited speaker at The National Gun Rights Policy Conference, the National Shooting Sports Foundation Industry Summit, the DC Project in our Nation’s Capital, the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum, The Western Conservative Conference, The Heller 10th Anniversary Celebration at the United States Supreme Court, The Well Armed Woman National Leadership Conference, The Arizona Citizens Defense League and the Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association, as well as appearing on various news outlets.

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Gun Freedom Radio

AZ Firearms

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