18Oct AA_IB_309_Why_Christians_Lose Tonight I will discuss why the Christian conservatives always lose. We will delve into why the weakness and failure to unify continues to destroy the supposedly Christian conservative movement. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 32 views You may also like AA_IB_75_Abandoning_Normalcy_Bias 84 views AA_IB_66_Know_Your_Enemy 79 views AA_IB_65_New_Normal 133 views AA_IB_64_Tree_of_Tyranny 92 views AA_IB_63_Reality_Check 107 views AA_IB_60_American_Jonestown 136 views AA_IB_59_Weaponized_Idiocy 144 views AA_IB_58_Extension_of_High_School 110 views AA_IB_57_The Third Wave, prions, and embracing the insanity! 141 views AA_IB_56_Consent_Withdrawn 143 views AA_IB_55_American-Zombies 144 views AA_IB_54_Whistling_Past_The_Graveyard 120 views «1…789Page 9 of 9 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_308_Happy_Friday_the_13thAA_IB_310_Still_Not_America ›