23Aug AA_IB_294_Unhappy_with_Unhappiness Today we will delve into the broken psyche of America. I’ll connect the dots to the overt unhappiness within America, various operations, and manifestations. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 28 views You may also like AA_IB_56_Consent_Withdrawn 141 views AA_IB_55_American-Zombies 142 views AA_IB_54_Whistling_Past_The_Graveyard 119 views AA_IB_20_The_Yellow_Badge_of_Victimhood 153 views «1…242526Page 26 of 26 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_293_Global_PsyOp_Take_2AA_IB_295_Kangaroo_Nation ›