27May AA_IB_260_Captured_Flag Tonight we will delve into the symbolism of capturing the flag. I’ll discuss the unfortunate truth that our flag has been captured by corporations, institutions, and ideologies. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 45 views You may also like AA_IB_83_Orchestrated_Collapse 171 views AA_IB_89_Becoming_Grounded 102 views AA_IB_90_Sacrament_of_The_Clean 118 views AA_IB_82_Alone 108 views AA_IB_81_Gas_Lines 179 views AA_IB_74_Gang_Mentality 124 views AA_IB_73_Repulsion 115 views «1…131415Page 15 of 15 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_259_Targeting_ChildrenAA_IB_261_Avoidance_Culture ›