16Mar AA_IB_235_Hearing_Silence Tonight I’ll digest the current destruction of our society. I’ll also delve into the importance of taking time to absorb the positive aspects of life to properly prepare for the dark. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 75 views You may also like AA_IB_241_Cultural_Scars 56 views AA_IB_240_Do_Not_Struggle 30 views AA_IB_239_Idolatry_or_Action 46 views AA_IB_233_Semantical_Sabotage 69 views AA_IB_231_Cultural_Dilution 22 views AA_IB_230_If_Not_By_Train_By_Fire 35 views AA_IB_229_Goodbye_Balloons_Hello_Trains 33 views AA_IB_227_Culture_Shift 29 views AA_IB_225_Weather Balloon? 31 views AA_IB_224_Madness 45 views AA_IB_12_Grieving The Death Of The Republic 21 views AA_IB_132_Soul_Pollution 31 views «1…910111213…20»Page 11 of 20 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_234_Organized_Retail_PrisonAA_IB_236_Death_of_Voluntary_Association ›