7Feb AA_IB_226_Message_Not_The_Medium Tonight we will delve into the satanic Grammy Awards show and look to the upcoming satanic Super Bowl halftime show. I’ll delve into what this means and how it influences the children of today. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 40 views You may also like AA_IB_122_Evil_Embrace 108 views AA_IB_119_Boot_To_The_Face 81 views AA_IB_116_Reality_Is_A_Satanic_Ritual 133 views AA_IB_110_Allure_of_Evil 77 views AA_IB_108_Touch_Of_Evil 70 views AA_IB_115_Rebellion 83 views AA_IB_94_Pimps_&_Hoes 97 views AA_IB_78_World_Council_of_Churches 137 views «1234Page 4 of 4 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_225_Weather Balloon?AA_IB_227_Culture_Shift ›