29Jan AA_IB_222_Imminent_War Tonight I will get into imminent war with Russia and the underlying war in America. We’ll talk about why America has become such a violent society and if there is any way back. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 46 views You may also like AA_IB_129_We_Are_The_Roman 111 views AA_IB_128_Find_Your_Spine 98 views AA_IB_127_Do_Not_Fit_In 69 views AA_IB_126_Reintroducing_Feudalism 79 views AA_IB_125_Memories_of_Reality 64 views AA_IB_123_Strike_Teams 108 views AA_IB_122_Evil_Embrace 110 views AA_IB_121_The_Problem_is_You 109 views AA_IB_120_Vaccine_Tracker 99 views AA_IB_119_Boot_To_The_Face 85 views AA_IB_118_Seasons_of_Death 79 views AA_IB_117_Shame_War 101 views «1…111213141516»Page 13 of 16 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_221_Riot CityAA_IB_223_Spiritual Death ›