29Sep AA_IB_201_Something_to_Believe_in Today I will cover the process of belief. I’ll get into the human need to believe in something, how that it harmful and helpful, and how that relates to the satanic world we live in. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 29 views You may also like AA_IB_171_We_are_the_Conspirators 80 views AA_IB_164_Masquerade_of_Death 71 views AA_IB_162_Deal_With_Tyranny 62 views AA_IB_161_Focusing_On_Not_Focusing 79 views AA_IB_160_Mentorship 85 views AA_IB_159_Crowd_Chooses_Barabbas 103 views AA_IB_158_This_is_Your_Hour_and_the_Power_of_Darkness 66 views AA_IB_157_ Shamed and Unshameable 80 views AA_IB_156_Servitude 84 views AA_IB_153_Lets_Have_A_War 97 views AA_IB_152_Lots_Wife_Syndrome 95 views AA_IB_151_Next Scene War With Russia 88 views «1…1011121314…17»Page 12 of 17 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_200_Misplaced_ObsessionAA_IB_202_Priming_the_Fear_Pump ›