3Jun AA_IB_171_We_are_the_Conspirators Tonight I will delve into the uncomfortable truth that we all play a role in what is going on. We are all conspirators in the conspiracy; on one level we are “they” . Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 78 views You may also like AA_IB_435_Death_of_the_NBA 21 views AA_IB_430_Gratitude 11 views AA_IB_429_Reframing_Your_Narrative 16 views AA_IB_428_CULTure_Club 15 views AA_IB_427_Neocon_Burger_Hold_the_Peace 23 views AA_IB_426_Groundhog_Day_NC 16 views AA_IB_425_Just_Following_Orders 8 views AA_IB_424_Squirrel_in_the_Coal_Mine 14 views AA_IB_423_House_of_Horrors 3 views AA_IB_422_Forget-Me-Not_Western_NC 8 views AA_IB_421_Make-Believe_Election_Time 17 views AA_IB_420_Participant_Observation 10 views 123…18»Page 1 of 18 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_170_Leaving_MayberryAA_IB_172_Imprinting ›