9Apr AA_IB_157_ Shamed and Unshameable Today we will delve into the shamed and the Unshameable. I will get into why we have allowed there to be no shame in society and what it means for the future. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 79 views You may also like AA_IB_70_Eugenics_2 117 views AA_IB_71_Eugenics_1 120 views AA_IB_61_Basketball 117 views AA_IB_20_The_Yellow_Badge_of_Victimhood 152 views «1…141516Page 16 of 16 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_156_ServitudeAA_IB_158_This_is_Your_Hour_and_the_Power_of_Darkness ›