4Jan AA_IB_41_The Fog of Psychological War Tonight we will delve into the fog of psychological warfare. We will talk about the normalcy bias caused by the PsyOp tactics orchestrated by the communists, and how to overcome it. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 92 views You may also like AA_IB_144_Stages_Of_Death 133 views AA_IB_142_Cultural_Death 62 views AA_IB_141_Burning_the_Effigy_of_Rittenhouse 104 views AA_IB_140_Global_MKUltra 124 views AA_IB_139_Weaving_Spells 103 views AA_IB_137_911_Prison 97 views AA_IB_138_Summoning_Evil 108 views AA_IB_136_Compliance_is_Complicity 108 views AA_IB_135_Medical_Credit_Score 90 views AA_IB_134_Beyond_Reproof 133 views AA_IB_133_USA_Reunion_Tour 123 views AA_IB_131_Precipice_of_Submission 84 views «1…2425262728…37»Page 26 of 37 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_40_New_YearsAA_IB_42_USSA ›