23Oct AA_IB_135_Medical_Credit_Score Tonight I will delve into the medical credit score. The prize has always been your children. We will cover various methods of targeting the children for elimination. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 80 views You may also like AA_IB_332_Fight_is_Over 26 views AA_IB_331_Might_Makes_Right 16 views AA_IB_322_Looking_Under_Rocks 20 views AA_IB_321_Subsurface_Reality 27 views AA_IB_304_Act_More_Canadian 32 views AA_IB_302_All_Quiet_on_the_911_Front 50 views AA_IB_301_New_False_Flag 30 views AA_IB_300_COVID_Replay 34 views AA_IB_299_Defy_or_Die 39 views AA_IB_298_Mitch_McConnell_Freeze_Up 66 views AA_IB_297_Question_Authority? 27 views AA_IB_296_Escaping_Paradise 56 views «12345…18»Page 3 of 18 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_134_Beyond_ReproofAA_IB_136_Compliance_is_Complicity ›