23Jul AA_IB_8_Learned_Helplessness_COVID-19 Today we cover aspects of learned helplessness and the use of psychology to social engineer our culture and take our civil liberties, under the guise of protection. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 223 views You may also like AA_IB_36_Psyop-Steps 125 views AA_IB_35_Stop_Eating 103 views AA_IB_34_Identity 170 views AA_IB_33_The_End 131 views AA_IB_32_Social_Contagion 112 views AA_IB_31_Appearances 147 views AA_IB_30_Crisis_Acting 145 views AA_IB_29_Deception 164 views AA_IB_28_Division 171 views AA_IB_27_Focusing_Rage 172 views AA_IB_26_Fall_of_Republic 123 views AA_IB_25_Doom_Gloom 208 views «1…3334353637»Page 35 of 37 Post navigation AA_IB_3_Fairy-Dust (The American People Will Fall For Anything) ›