16Apr AA_IB_71_Eugenics_1 Today I will get into the forced vaccination of people with special needs in California with Operation Homebound. I will also cover some of the basics of Eugenics. Liked it? Take a second to support John Age on Patreon! 120 views You may also like AA_IB_200_Misplaced_Obsession 27 views AA_IB_199_Euthanasia 34 views AA_IB_189_Marketing_Death 76 views AA_IB_189_Marketing_Death_Full 68 views AA_IB_188_Choices 72 views AA_IB_187_Stolen-Identity 72 views AA_IB_186_Let_Them_Eat_Bugs 62 views AA_IB_175_Food_Weapons 64 views AA_IB_172_Imprinting 96 views AA_IB_165_Killing_Hope 79 views AA_IB_161_Focusing_On_Not_Focusing 78 views AA_IB_160_Mentorship 82 views «12345…11»Page 3 of 11 Post navigation ‹ AA_IB_68_PerspectiveAA_IB_70_Eugenics_2 ›