Weston Eden has been a Christian for 40 years. He came to Christ through a judge who showed him mercy in the judicial system. Years later he was caught up in a bout of spiritual warfare that sent him into a lengthy time of oppression, depression, and confusion that led him to believe he wasn’t saved nor even loved by God. He “hit bottom” and God met him there and changed his life. He was called out to be a herald and a leader to disciple others in the Christian faith.
He is a licensed minister and has been an elder in three churches. Beginning in September, Weston will be co-leading Wolhurst Christian Fellowship–a local community fellowship that will based on the First Church.
Weston has a passion for prayer and has led prayer ministry teams for years. He writes extensively on the Christian’s relationship to God, country, family and the body of Christ. He developed a Mighty Men Series to exhort men to rise up and be mighty men in these challenging days.
His current assignment is to develop Kudos! Ministry, a vision God gave Weston several years ago. It is a discipleship training ministry that includes a variety of training modules. One of these training modules is “Fight the Good Fight Spiritual Warfare Training”. This is the training module Weston is currently presenting.
What’s with the Name, Kudos? Kudos is from the Greek and means “praise and honor; glory; acclaim; renown”. Who is most deserving of kudos? Almighty God and Jesus Christ.